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Sociological investigation Final Paper

Sociological investigation Final Paper

Q Final Term Paper Content Requirements: INTRODUCTION 1. Research Problem: (sub-heading) Description of your main concept. This includes section a and section b. 2. The key points and description as to how they relate to your topic. 3. Define all key terms. Your review of literature will help you define key terms. Remember to use ASA citations for each source that you use. 4. Rationale: (sub-heading) In this section, you discuss why you want to study this topic. 5. Significance of the Research: (sub-heading) Why is it important to investigate this topic? Hint-“why important sociology’, practical significance, contributes to knowledge. DISCUSSION and LITERATURE REVIEW **You can use revised versions of your abstract assignments in this section of your paper. You will also need to add any of the required content (required as part of the final paper) that was not required as part of the abstract assignments. ** In this section of your final paper, you will write about scholarly articles on your chosen topic. Additionally, you should provide a rationale as to why each article’s finding are important. For the final paper, review a minimum of 5 scholarly sources that you identified in the topic selection and outline assignment. You may use readings from this course as part of your final paper, but you must use the FIVE additional scholarly sources in addition to whichever course readings you wish to include. (See resources for locating academic articles posted on Canvas). Newspapers, Wikipedia, Tumblr, Facebook, Buzzfeed articles, and all other non-scholarly sources are strictly prohibited. CONCLUSION In this section of your final paper, you will state your informed opinion. Tie in your concept, key points and sociological views about the topic you chose to research. In other words, what is the sociological perspective/theory and methodologies that can assist with understanding the issue? For this paper, it is acceptable to use first person “I think, I believe, etc.” Required Formatting: • Minimum length requirement is 5 to 6 pages long (not including cover page and reference list). • Time New Roman, 12-point font, double space with 1.5-inch margin on the left and 1.0 inch on the right, top and bottom, and it should be only left justified. • Cover Page: The cover page must include: title of your paper on the first line; your name on the second line, course name and section on the third line, date on the last line. • Headings: The final paper is required to have the following headings three main headings typed in the paper: INTRODUCTION, DISCUSSION, and CONCLUSION. You are can add sub-headings as necessary under each main heading. • ASA in-text citations (see ASA resources posted on canvas) • ASA reference section at the end of the paper.

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